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Welcome to my site.

And bring your sense of humour with you!

Okay, I do have a dark side....doesn't everybody? And I have written stuff that even scared me, relishing every small, blood-thirsty syllable. default setting will always be comedy.  Here's a confession: I have never written a sex-scene. Had I done so, it would have rapidly descended into farce, pantomime, or parody, and I'm old enough to know my limitations. So anyone expecting  multiple shades of anything, please stop reading now.


I've always thought humanity at its most hilarious in its ordinary, everyday doings. People are funny. Small children, teenagers, young adults, the middle-aged, the elderly, all have their little  quirks. My own grandchildren are a wonderful source of comedy, from the mangled logic of  toddlers to the self-obsession of teenagers. Granny Beamish, heroine of the 'Seers' books (Please go to 'Books' page) is an affectionate amalgam of my mother, grandmother, great-aunt and many other elderly non-conformists I have known.


I absolutely love observing everday situations, and I cannot help eavesdropping. Therefore,  I'm not a great date (in fact, my husband usually takes a book.) To a writer, the most mundane stuff  is a collection of gifts: unexpectedly wonderful items  to store, savour and unwrap at leisure. I'm also forever taking photographs, of anything that makes me laugh, whilst displaying human ingenuity at its best.   The pictures below were all taken in my locality. Every one a c;assic. 





















Great humorists have always undersood the power of the ordinary: Victoria Wood knew it, as did Caroline Aherne, Alan Coren, Richmael Crompton, P.G. Wodehouse, Betty Macdonald, Erma Bombeck, Mark Twain, Sir Terry Pratchett, et al....still entertaining us from the Other Side.  And that's some legacy. Not that I'd presume to compare myself to any of these literary legends, but they're the ones I always return to, because they never fail to make me laugh.


Of course life isn't wall-to-wall laughter. It's light and shadow, panto and pathos, and I hope my writing refects that. And yet....quirky things do  keep ambushing me.  Take the photograph below. There I am, strolling round the park, with dogs, when....this happens! A Jack-in-a-tree is not, you'll agree, something you see every day. Nor perfectly healthy dogs in a pram....or a random man carrying an owl! (picture pending). I do seem to attract eccentrics.: wherever I am, the oddball will find me. For instance, there was that time I was shopping in Asda....but no. I'm saving that one.

















Suffice it to say that I'm seldom bored. Everything has potential.  Having, like most of us, sat through interminable meetings, formal dinners, concerts and presentation-evenings, I can always find something to amuse. The biggest bores are the funniest, the more pompous and opinionated the better. Snobs, Jobsworths and pedants all have a place in my heart. I don't mind long, repetitive stories about people's kids, operations, food-allergies or feuding neighbours. Bring 'em on! Trust me, there's a literary corner for them somewhere. Not that I'd ever laugh openly at anyone. That would be crass. But should I really, really dislike someone..... I do have the power to put them in a book, and then kill them. SLOWLY.




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